mardi 23 août 2022

Flight Reports : What for ?












 IMPORTANT NOTIFICATION : Hi everyone . After covid pandemic , this blog is now again updated with new trips and flights reports. Thank you for following me.

Welcome to this blog with flight reports . Most of articles show numerous airliners cabins in all aircraft types operated nowadays.
Each article has been designed with high definition pictures for a better overview  .That meets with all what you expect to find inside a plane for your flight  from most major airlines fleets and what they provide in term of products and services .
 Comments and pictures  are of course from my own  personnal activity (Please note that all pictures are copyright . Hence , it is not allowed to get used and being published in medias , blogs and websites ).On the other hand , this blog is neither a professionnal nor a commercial one , flight reports regarding those experienced flights are absolutely neutral by the way. 
Obviously some datas might be out of date :  some aircrafts may have been retrofited for new cabins or simply retired from fleet . Flight experiences include lowcost or charter airlines , however I did not provide here any informations about them as i just focus my reports mostly on majors .
If you may look especially for an airline , just write the airline name in the seeking bar  .
Each time you wish to travel and will soon make a booking , take a tour before on that blog , as it is regularly updated with new articles : Economy class , Business class and  Premium Economy class which is available in some airlines now .

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